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HomeMarketingDigital Marketing TrendsYap Vi Vian Discusses Digital Marketing in Malaysia and Singapore

Yap Vi Vian Discusses Digital Marketing in Malaysia and Singapore

For many entrepreneurs in Malaysia and Singapore, digital marketing can feel like a constant puzzle—especially when the stakes are high, and the need for immediate results competes with long-term growth. It’s a dilemma that leaves many wondering: where should they focus their efforts? In this interview, Yap Vi Vian, the founder of Twobee Continue Studio, reveals how to turn those challenges into opportunities, using tailored strategies that don’t just chase short-term wins but build lasting success.

Understanding Market Differences: Malaysia vs Singapore

Q: You’ve worked extensively with both B2B and B2C companies in Malaysia and Singapore. What are some key differences in market dynamics between these two countries?

A: The market dynamics between Singapore and Malaysia differ significantly due to their unique business cultures and approaches. In Singapore, the pace is generally much faster. Companies tend to have a clear understanding of what they need and how to achieve their goals. Many businesses in Singapore prefer to manage their marketing efforts in-house, leveraging internal teams to drive sales, marketing, and branding initiatives efficiently.

On the other hand, in Malaysia, businesses are more likely to seek external solutions. It’s common for companies to outsource their marketing needs, especially when it comes to strategic aspects like brand growth and awareness. For example, you often need to educate clients from the ground up, explaining that building a successful brand and achieving long-term sales growth requires time and a well-structured plan. This plan typically spans from brand awareness to engagement and, eventually, conversion.

In summary, while Malaysia tends to rely more on external expertise for branding and growth, Singapore is more inclined toward utilizing in-house marketing teams to achieve their objectives.

Q: In your experience, what are the most effective strategies for driving long-term market growth in competitive markets like Malaysia and Singapore? 

A: The most effective strategies always involve engaging with the public and clients. For example, creating posts that are relevant to them, addressing pain points, encouraging engagement, and incorporating trendy content. This helps to enhance exposure and branding, which is beneficial in the long run. Maintaining a good relationship with clients is always key to a successful business. 

Q: Are there specific trends or opportunities that entrepreneurs and business leaders should be aware of?

A: We shouldn’t limit ourselves to certain marketing strategies, marketing is about creativity. Once you are able to attract people’s attention, you are already ahead of your competitors. The more people remember and recognize your brand, the more exposure and conversions you will achieve. Get seen. Get noticed. Get recognised.

Yap Vi Vian shares her insights with New In Asia
Yap Vi Vian shares her insights with New In Asia

Q: For businesses just starting to invest in social media marketing, what would be your top three recommendations for building a strong online presence and generating leads effectively?

A: First and most importantly, don’t aim for short-term gains. Business is about the long run. Once your foundation is strong, you’ll be able to sustain long-term success. Focus on building your brand before anything else.

Secondly, focus on attracting people’s attention from the start. Once you can capture their attention, they will begin to notice your brand. This is something that is lacking in the Malaysian market.

Lastly, understanding your target audience is the foundation of any successful social media strategy. Conduct research to determine who your customers are, their interests, and where they spend their time online. Choose the right social media platforms that align with your audience. For example, LinkedIn works well for B2B, while Instagram and TikTok are ideal for visually engaging B2C brands.

Q: Many startups and small businesses struggle with creating a marketing strategy that balances short-term gains with long-term growth. What advice would you give to entrepreneurs about developing a sustainable marketing strategy that supports both immediate and future growth?

A: I would suggest that business owners collaborate with some SME companies and build networks or connections both online and offline. Networking is always one of the best ways to help a business grow. By doing this, you and your partners can support each other by referring clients or working together on projects. Additionally, your clients might refer new clients to you. I would also recommend that business owners focus on building their personal brand online, which helps with brand exposure and creates more potential opportunities. 

Yap Vi Vian, the founder of Twobee Continue Studio
Yap Vi Vian, the founder of Twobee Continue Studio

Q: Looking ahead, what emerging digital marketing trends do you foresee becoming critical for businesses in Malaysia and Singapore to stay competitive over the next few years? How can they prepare for these changes?

A: I would suggest referring to the marketing strategies used in China and Thailand, and coming up with something interesting to grab attention so that people will automatically share it. 

I have noticed that some big companies have started applying this, and I hope more companies will do the same. Marketing is all about creativity. In today’s world, we can’t advance without change. Continuously improving ourselves by adapting to the market is always key to survival and reaching higher levels.

Effective Strategies for Digital Marketing Growth

For many startups and businesses, the digital world can feel overwhelming—trends come and go, platforms change, and staying relevant is no easy feat. But as Yap Vi Vian shared, the key to overcoming these hurdles lies in strategy and patience. Her insights remind us that success doesn’t happen overnight, but with the right tools and approach, the digital landscape can become less of a challenge and more of a platform for growth.

As businesses in Malaysia and Singapore look ahead, Yap Vi Vian’s advice is clear: focus on the long-term, adapt, and never stop learning. The path to success may be tough, but it’s within reach for those ready to seize it.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini is the dedicated Editor of With a passion for uncovering compelling stories and data storytelling, Devia focuses on highlighting the achievements and innovations of companies across Asia. Her insightful and engaging content ensures that both startups and established enterprises gain the visibility and recognition they deserve.


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