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Angelina Joie Ang Shows What Happened When Business Becomes Personal

Starting a business is tough. Building lasting connections? Even tougher. Angelina Joie Ang learned this as a banker. She saw the constant race for numbers and targets. But something was missing—real, human connection.

Clients didn’t just need financial advice; they needed someone who truly cared. That’s when Angelina Joie Ang knew it was time for a change. Her story shows that, sometimes, the key to success isn’t about doing more—it’s about doing things differently.

A Day in the Life: Hustle and Heart

Q: What inspired you to start your business, and how did you identify the market need?

A: I was a banker in one of the top branches in town, business was good with walk-ins, however, we were chasing targets set by the bank, rather than focusing on the real needs of the customers. I realised the income will be at a peak even though you put in more hours than the rest. Clients need long term and compassionate consultants in their lives instead of just a “salesperson.”

Q: Can you describe a typical day in your life as an entrepreneur?

A: 7am workout & pray 

9am start work – check emails 

10am – training my team or meetings

12noon – lunch meeting with client 

3pm – follow ups/client servicing 

6pm- dinner with client 

8pm- 2nd client meeting

10pm – end work

Q: What has been your biggest challenge in running an SME in Singapore, and how did you overcome it?


  • Effective leads generation and unlimited /client recommendations.
  • A strong system of client servicing and post-sales and hence more client recommendations.
  • Having a social media presence in LinkedIn to increase credibility.
  • Building a strong team to continue the legacy.
  • Recruiting and building a team currently.

Q: How has your business adapted to your country or region’s unique cultural and economic landscape?

A: Over the last 20 years in this industry, the economic landscape has evolved so much. The entrant of AI has made investments and technology in general has made both wealth preservation and accumulation strategies very accessible.

However, the lack of human touch still made all the difference. Majority of my clients value the unique experience they have with me as their financial consultant and go-to-adviser in their financial and legacy matters.

Q: What’s your most important lesson about managing a team in the Singapore business context?


  • Always manage with love in mind. 
  • Manage as if you will like to be managed
  • Lead like there is no tomorrow.
  • Heart first, mind 2nd.
  • Set a timeline for you and the team member for growth in their definitions. Give them recognition in public. In a BIG way. Critic in private.
  • Feedback with discussed solutions.

Q: How do you balance traditional business practices with innovation in your industry?

A: I still make it a practice to celebrate with my clients on their special occasions like birthdays and anniversaries, kids birthdays, new homes, new cars, new life stages. Be present, rather than just a call or text. Update regularly on their portfolios even though some of these processes are already automated.

Q: What role has technology played in your business growth, and how do you see it shaping your future?

A: The massive AI tools available helped in developing content during busy days. It sets a good framework for my creativity to flow.

I see LinkedIn as a long term tool to enhance my credibility even more extensively and relentless client recommendations through the various genuine connections met.

Q: Can you share a pivotal moment that changed the trajectory of your business?

A: I was relying on client recommendations organically. And I don’t have much control to the flow of my business. Cold calls, roadshows, door knocking were the active leads generation tools that I have to put in the active manual hours to do it.

When my stories speak for myself in social media like LinkedIn, clients and potential clients knew me even before they meet me.

And because of the professional framework as a baseline, I have also got a good grasp of who my clients are before I met them.

Q: How do you approach networking and building business relationships in your local market?


  • Connect with an intention. To make genuine connections. 
  • Make conscious efforts to meet F2F and get to know each other.
  • Give encouragements and inspiration whenever you can.
  • Set conscientious efforts to keep in touch with each other.
  • Give first. Receive later.
  • Go for longevity in relationships instead of transactional only.
  • Be relatable and compassionate whenever you can.

Q: What advice would you give aspiring entrepreneurs looking to start an SME in Singapore?


  • Be ready to work super hard.
  • Be ready for challenges.
  • Be ready for setbacks.
  • Be open to feedback.
  • Stay joyful no matter what life throws you.
  • Seek support from those you trust.
  • Build a community of support.
  • Engage mentors or coaches to help you to recognise blindspots and provide solutions to improve collectively.

Creating a Legacy That Lasts

Entrepreneurs face endless challenges, but Angelina Joie Ang’s journey proves one thing: heart matters. She brings back the personal touch in a world full of sales pitches and automation. Her story is a powerful reminder that success isn’t just about profits—it’s about relationships. Angelina’s approach offers a refreshing path forward for anyone navigating the highs and lows of running a business.

Read the Chinese version here.

Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini
Devia Anggraini is the dedicated Editor of NewInAsia.com. With a passion for uncovering compelling stories and data storytelling, Devia focuses on highlighting the achievements and innovations of companies across Asia. Her insightful and engaging content ensures that both startups and established enterprises gain the visibility and recognition they deserve.


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